OFEV® is a promising drug for many people with interstitial lung disease. Clinical research shows it can slow the progression of the disease in some patients. Clinical trials showed that it may begin to slow progression as soon as 6 to 12 weeks from starting the medication. But OFEV comes with a possibly formidable side effect: gastrointestinal distress. The most common side effect is diarrhea. Fewer people experience nausea, vomiting, or stomach pain but they are still known side effects. These side effects can be very disruptive and discouraging. While everyone reacts differently, side effects can diminish over time. Gastrointestinal distress can be a quality-of-life issue. But you can take action that may help.
If you are thinking about or starting OFEV, consider these tips, which work for some people. As always, this information is educational only and is no substitute for your doctor’s advice. Here are seven tips from PF Warriors that have worked well for some patients.

1. Take your OFEV with food, specifically protein.
Taking OFEV with food seems to be a key habit. But not just any food will do. Protein seems to be secret to managing GI distress. Specifically, people report that 25 to 30 grams of protein taken with OFEV is helpful to reduce intestinal side effects. If you do not get that much protein from lean meat, eggs, fish, and legumes, try supplementing your meal with a protein drink such as Pure Protein, Atkins®, Glucerna® (lower in sugar than some protein drinks) or a protein supplement such as a Quest® bar. Some people recommend Greek yogurt and protein shakes made with banana.
PF Warriors recommend taking the OFEV in the middle of the meal, not before the meal and not after the meal. Literally, they say they eat half their meal, stop and take the OFEV, then finish the meal or the supplement. Finish the whole thing off with a full glass of water.
2. Space your doses 12 hours apart.
Patients who have been successfully taking OFEV say that you don’t want to get sloppy about the timing of your doses. The directions say to take doses 12 hours apart. You may not have any effects from a 10 or 11 hour gap between pills, but closer than that could be irritating. Taking the evening dose too soon is said to sometimes cause stomach distress.
3. Ask your doctor about medication for side effects.
Some patients take Imodium® or other medication for side effects. While it may seem crazy to take a pill to counteract the effects of a pill, well…. that may not be crazy at all. Talk to your doctor about this. It seems some healthcare professionals will recommend over the counter medicines to help with occasional diarrhea or prescription medicines to combat nausea. Remember also, the BRAT diet is a natural treatment for diarrhea. BRAT stands for foods that don’t aggravate the intestines during a bout of diarrhea: banana, rice, applesauce, and toast.
4. Don’t take OFEV with other meds.
Some patients report that taking OFEV at the same time as other medications can worsen their side effects. Some patients offset taking other medications by at least 2 hours before or after OFEV. In particular, people have shared that antibiotics can interact with OFEV. Ask questions of your healthcare professional if you need antibiotics while taking OFEV.
5. Eat a healthy diet and avoid aggravating foods.
Some people report no problems with their diet while taking OFEV. Other people say that dairy increases their incidence of diarrhea. In that case, they avoid milk, cottage cheese, and other dairy products. Today, there are many non-dairy milks that can substitute– have you tried oat milk, almond milk, or soy milk? Other people say that high acid foods aggravate intestinal distress– foods like citrus juices, spicy pizza, or wine. A few people say that highly processed foods intensify GI side effects. Some patients find that eating small meals and keeping food in your stomach most of the time helps. In any case, a generally healthy diet cannot hurt.
6. Take advantage of the Open Doors® patient program.
The maker of OFEV offers a patient support program that several PF Warriors have recommended. You can register at https://www.ofev.com/support/open-doors When you register, they will send a welcome kit and you have access to nurses who are available by phone 24 X 7. This sounds like something you every OFEV patient should take advantage of. The manufacturer surely knows the most about the drug and they have the incentive to ensure your success.
7. Work with your doctor.
Most side effects occur within the first three months of using OFEV and your situation may improve with time. Tell your doctor if you experience side effects or if side effects do not go away or become worse. While you are taking OFEV, your doctor may recommend that you drink fluids or take medicine to treat side effects such as diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. If you cannot tolerate OFEV, it may be necessary to reduce the amount you are taking or switch to another medication. Always inform you healthcare provider of any supplements and all over the counter medicines that you are taking. Always consult with your healthcare professional before making any changes. Only your doctor should change your dosage or medications.
Now that you know these tips, we hope you are better prepared to try them out. PF Warriors have learned that there is much you can do to live well with your condition. Our hope is that in sharing our tips, we are truly Patients Helping Patients.
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