We are happy to report that the Senate Bill – S.3821 – Supplemental Oxygen Access Reform (SOAR) Act of 2024 has reached the House of Representatives – H.R. 7928. We need your help now to get this important legislation passed.

The SOAR Act would:
- Remove all oxygen and oxygen equipment from Medicare competitive bidding;
- Establish a separate base payment rate for liquid oxygen with an add-on payment for liquid oxygen at 6 liters/minute and higher;
- Change the benefit from “home oxygen” to “supplemental oxygen”;
- Establish a patient’s bill of rights;
- Create a new add-on to the supplemental oxygen rate to reimburse for respiratory therapist services when providing supplemental oxygen to Medicare beneficiaries; and
- Establish protections for Medicare beneficiary supplemental oxygen users.
How can you support S. 3821 & H.R. 7928 – The SOAR ACT 2024?
We urge you to call or write your member of the U.S. House of Representatives and your U.S. Senator(s) and ask them to co-sponsor S. 3821/H.R. 7928, the SOAR Act of 2024.
How can I find contact information for my congressional delegates?
Find your Senators here by choosing Senators | Contact. Select your state and you will see your Senators. Follow the Contact link under your Senator’s picture to send them a message by email. To call your Senators, dial the Capitol Hill switchboard at 202-224-3121 and ask to be transferred to your Senator’s office.
Find your representatives here by entering your zip code. Follow the Contact link under your representative’s picture to send them a message by email. To call your representative, you may call their office directly or call the House of Representatives Switchboard at 202-225-3121.
Talking points for your phone calls or letters to your senators and representative
The following talking points can help you deliver a strong message about the impact of passage of this legislation for oxygen patients.
Passage of this legislation would help oxygen patients by:
- Fixing problems created by the Medicare Competitive Bidding Program.
- Establishing a service benefit to pay respiratory therapists to see oxygen patients in their home under the durable medical equipment benefit.
- Ensuring that patients who require supplemental oxygen can access the most appropriate type of oxygen equipment for their needs.
Sample letter to send your senators
You may copy the text from the letter below to include in your own letter or email to your senators.
Sample letter to send your representative
You may copy the text from the letter below to include in your own letter or email to your representative.