This article gives you essential information to check when you are considering the purchase of a portable oxygen concentrator. A portable oxygen concentrator (POC) is a device that provides oxygen [Read More]
supplemental oxygen
From Heartbreakers to Lung Makers
When most people hear the names Tom Petty and Denny Doherty, they think of two well-known rockstars. But, in the medical field, thousands of professionals immediately think, instead, of two [Read More]
Educational Meeting: Oxygen
Oxygen. We all need it all the time. In this meeting, Mark Mangus, a critical respiratory care specialist, will talk about oxygen and supplemental oxygen use. You must register to [Read More]
7 Things to Know Before Starting Supplemental Oxygen for Pulmonary Fibrosis
Most people with pulmonary fibrosis will require supplemental oxygen, or oxygen therapy, at some point in their lifetime. If your condition is diagnosed very early, you may not require supplemental [Read More]