Exercise and BootCamp
Exercise has benefits for everyone and there are special benefits for those with fibrotic lung disease.
Physical exercise can:
- improve your ability to perform daily activities
- help you cope with shortness of breath
- improve your energy level
- help you enjoy better mental health
Talk to your physician before starting an exercise program. You need an exercise plan that fits your capabilities and that you enjoy. Your doctor may be able to prescribe pulmonary rehabilitation. If it has not been offered to you, ask about it. If you are unable to attend a pulmonary rehabilitation program, we strongly recommend these free, online exercise programs for PF Warriors. These online programs can be used to supplement your in-person program and can be repeated throughout your journey.
Pulmonary Wellness Bootcamp
Dr. Noah Greenspan’s bootcamp is a six-week, online pulmonary rehabilitation program. It is ideal for anyone with a respiratory disease such as PF or ILD.
The bootcamp is offered free. You can do it completely at home. No special equipment is required.
Qigong for Pulmonary Health
The Rehabilitative Qigong for Pulmonary Health program blends ancient self-healing practices with modern rehabilitation to help you breathe deeply, live longer, and find greater meaning in life. The 15 module program is free and online for PF Warriors.
Photo by permission of Nikki B.