Meeting Moments – Short Wisdom
Click an image to view one of these short excerpts (sorted by topic) from our educational meetings for pulmonary fibrosis patients.
Basics of ILD and Pulmonary Fibrosis
What causes ILD? Dr. Susan Mathai shares how she explains it to medical students. 6 mins.
Dr. Deji Adegunsoye reacts to the statement “patients with pulmonary fibrosis have an average life expectancy of 2-3 years from diagnosis.” 2 min.
Do life expectancy predictions found on the Web apply to you? 3 min.
Why is it important to get an early diagnosis? 3 min 15 sec
Comparing your lungs’ texture to a sponge illustrates how pulmonary fibrosis compares. 3 min.
Measuring results on Dr. Noble’s zinc studies and how they differ from anti-fibrotic medicines. 3 1/2 mins.
Why does your doctor ask for a high-resolution CT scan? 6 min.
Do you have a coexisting condition that is making your chronic cough worse? 5 min.
What is Connective Tissue Disease ILD? 5 min.
Learn how doctor’s define an acute exacerbation. 2 min.
What is the link between the heart and lungs in pulmonary hypertension? 4 min.
Am I having an exacerbation? What is it like? 2 min.
Dr. Dela Cruz speaks about the balance of good and bad bacteria in your lungs. 7 min.
Managing Symptoms
Dr. Swigris tells you how to recognize an exacerbation 2 min.
What are the symptoms of an exacerbation? 1 min.
Taking OFEV? Foods to eat and avoid for diarrhea. 3 min.
Monitoring your diet with a food diary could help you manage constipation, trouble swallowing, and affects your health. 2 min.
Dr. Dela Cruz explains the pathway for oxygen exchange in the lungs. 6 min.
How should you handle oxygen safely at home? 5 min.
What is hypoxia? What are the dangers of not using supplemental oxygen when you need it? 3 min.
Dr. Hollowell explains the link between heart rate and oxygen saturation. 7 min.
Does Raynaud’s, poor circulation, or dark skin, keep low-cost pulse oximeters from working for you? High-quality devices and tips. 5 min.
Ever wonder why you can’t catch your breath when you cough? 2 min.
Protecting Your Health
Avoiding known causes of worsening PF symptoms. 2 min.
Fire Captain Jake Heflin asks if you are ready for a disaster. 3 min.
Mitigate your exposure to air pollution. 3 min.
This excerpt from Dr. Meilan Han is about protecting our lungs from pollution. 6 min.
Why is gut health important to the lungs? 3 min.
What should you consider if you want to travel during COVID? 7 min.
Learn about a sleep cue strategy for the less active patient. 2 min.
The link between zinc and healthy lungs could be a breakthrough. 5 min.
Exercise and Pulmonary Rehab
Dr. Ally Resch shows us how to modify basic exercises to support daily living. 4 min.
What kind of exercise can you do at home? What is Bootcamp? 10 min.
Are you exercising too hard? What should your oxygen saturation be during exercise? 9 min.
End-of-Life Care
What should one do when a person loses their appetite near the end-of-their life? 2 min. 28 seconds
Emotions and Coping
A nueropsychologist talks about how anxiety complicates lung disease. 2 min 30 sec
A psychologist explains the facts about the trauma and emotional challenges of facing a life-altering disease. 5 min.
Try a breathing exercise to help you calm down in moments of frustration, anger, or stress. 5 min.
Teresa Barnes lost 5 members of her family to pulmonary fibrosis in a span of 10 years. Hear her message of hope. 1 min.
Gratitude is a choice we can make in every situation. 2 min.
Lung Transplant
How are patients selected for a lung transplant? 4 min.
Hear the basic topics to know about lung transplantation from the UCLA transplant medical director. 4 min.
Dr. Swigris talks about the challenges with lung transplants matching. 6 min.
Why do doctors choose to transplant 1 or 2 lungs in a patient? 2 min.
To view more short videos from some of our members, visit My Life with PF.